
In addition to writing copy for various internal programs, catalogs, and social media, I also create blog posts for Vibrant Health that aim, in most cases, to fulfill one of the company’s guiding principles: education before marketing.
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Food Photography: Vibrant Health

During my first week at Vibrant Health, I took on the task of establishing an in-house photo studio, in order to have photographs available quickly when changes were made to a product label. Finally, I was able to apply my photography skills to a fantastic team in a fully professional setting! My photography experience until that point could be best described as “hobbyist plus.” Once I established a fixed setup for product photography, I was able to branch out and began creating visual content for Vibrant Health’s many media channels. Here are a few of my favorites.
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Healing Mango Smoothie

As I make video and photo content for Vibrant Health’s various content channels, I’m often tasked with coming up with the recipes as well (and then enlisting an entourage of coworkers to be my taste testers). Most of the products Vibrant Health offers are superfood drink powders, which lend themselves well to smoothie recipes. But sometimes, we have to have more fun and mix it up a little! In this episode, I cracked open a couple vegicaps of Maximized Turmeric 46x for a wonderfully vibrant smoothie. (Would you look at that color?) In addition to managing the staging, styling, shooting, and videography in this video, this is also my debut as a hand model. I’m always happy to jump in and fill an unexpected role, but I think I’ll stick to design and marketing.
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Ella & Channing

I’ve babysat before. Lots of us have, especially those of us who grew up in a close-knit neighborhood like I did. That being the case, I don’t think I’ll sign up as a kid wrangler anytime soon — at least not without being armed with some good advice, and plenty of stickers and candy. Ella and Channing, and their parents, are devoted fans of the Vibrant Health brand, so they were a natural choice for our video featuring Super Kids Vibrance. Despite the inevitably disruptive nature of inviting a 2 year old and a 4 year old to play in the office kitchen, we got enough footage to cut together this adorable spotlight.  
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Product Demonstration Explainer Video

Since the launch of Trilogy, the packaging for the multi-supplement used the term “power packs.” It eventually became clear to our team that customers needed clarification about the key ingredients and benefits of Trilogy. The stop-motion video lends a playful tone to a classic video style — and I had a ton of fun making it! 
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New video — now with more video!

It happened. While I probably could have found an effective way to illustrate this concept with stop motion, footage was definitely the way to go. The challenge: demonstrate that, A) the improved version of an existing product product, Maximized Turmeric 46x is more water soluble (and therefore more bioavailable) than the previous version, Curcuminoid 95+; and B) Vibrant Health’s products evolve with the latest discoveries in nutritional science and availability of advanced science in raw materials. Have a look!   
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Loving stop motion video!

I’m now feeling confident with stop motion video. I love the entire process of it, and I’m getting better at planning my shoots. For this one, we needed all-around crowd pleaser recipes for Vibrant Health’s flagship products, Green Vibrance and Maximum Vibrance. I designed each these layouts to be on brand, visually pleasing, and easily crop-able for Instagram. Gotta be flexible!  
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Overnight Oats: Learning Videography

I’ve been involved in many different aspects of design throughout my career — from photography to in-depth branding. But I had never encountered videography (beyond your typical iMovie collage). When I started at Vibrant Health, I knew video was a talent they were hoping to add to their Creative/Marketing department, of which I now found myself a part. So, with one Skillshare class under my belt, I decided to try my hand at it. For my first attempt, I decided to stick to a stop-motion, Tasty-style flatlay with only photographs, and no real footage. That let me get my feet wet in the Premiere Pro environment. There are many aspects of this video that make me wince when I see them now, but that’s learning, no? Enjoy! 
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